Thursday, May 10, 2018
at 7:00 pm
with Larry Richie
On Thursday, May 10, at 7 pm, there will be a book signing and program, presented by Larry Richie on the early life of Alexander Faribault. Larry will talk about his new book, “Footsteps Along the Straight River”.
Alexander Faribault was a fur trader, town founder, politician, businessman, and philanthropist. He was also half Native American, and kin to the Dakota. Learn about Alexander Faribault’s life and how he inspired others.
The cost of this program is $3.00 for Non-members and free for Members and will be held in the Carlander Family Room at the Rice County Historical Society located at 1814 NW Second Ave., on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 7 pm.
For questions about the event, call the RCHS museum at 507-332-2121.