Thursday, October 19, Beginning at 4:30 at the Faribault American Legion
Join RCHS for our Annual Meeting and Fall Banquet, as we hear from Steve Vosejpka about the efforts of the 3-r Landmark Corporation. The 3-R Landmark School is a two story school house in Lonsdale, and they are a chapter/partner of the Rice County Historical Society.
Social Hour will begin at 4:30, with dinner to start at 5:30 and the business meeting and program to follow at 6:30. Dinner will be Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops, Roasted Red Potatoes, and Garden Salad.
Tickets are $30 for members, $35 for non-members. To reserve your tickets please call 507-332-2121, stop by the museum, or see one of our Board Members. Held at the Faribault American Legion, Post 42 (112 5th St NE, Faribault, MN 55021).