Thursday, April 19, 6pm
Book Signing and Program
with Marcia Anderson
On Thursday, April 19, at 6pm, Minnesota Historian Marcia Anderson examines the history, forms, structure, and motifs of the bags, giving readers the tools to understand a bag’s makeup and meaning.
A Bag Worth a Pony reveals the story behind the Ojibwe bandolier bag, which proliferated throughout the assimilation era when Ojibwe and other Native people struggled to maintain their cultural traditions. Over several decades, Minnesota historian Marcia Anderson interviewed several bead artists whose voices teach us more about the significance of this enduring practice and the strength of a people.
The cost of this program is $3.00 for Non-members and free for Members and will be held in the Carlander Family Room at the Rice County Historical Society located at 1814 NW Second Ave., on Thursday, April 19, 2018, at 6 pm.
For questions about the event, call the RCHS museum at 507-332-2121.