1814 NW 2nd Ave, Faribault, MN 55021


(507) 332-2121

Hours: Mon – Fri 10:00am to 5:00pm

Premiere of the Orinoco Company Documentary by 1855

ONLINE PROGRAM: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7pm

Please join the team from 1855 as they share their latest documentary on the Orinoco Company.

Portrait of Donald Grant, seated in a wicker chair.
Donald Grant from Faribault, Minnesota. He was one of the leaders in the Orinoco Company.

In the late 1800s, Faribault tycoons set out to colonize Venezuela in the pursuit of fortune. They banded together to invest in The Orinoco Company, led by the larger-than-life former Mayor of Faribault: Donald Grant.

Logan Ledman and Samuel Temple, the team behind the documentary series 1855, are excited to premiere their latest episode about The Orinoco Company and how the calamitous actions of Faribault investors nearly sparked a war between much of Europe, South America, and the United States. It is a story about imperialism, wealth, and the farcical effect of ambition.

A discussion with the creators will follow the online premier.

For more information contact RCHS at 507-332-2121 or check www.rchistory.org.

The online program will be held using Google Meet. You can access the event here: https://meet.google.com/ipp-kyxr-vds

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