1814 NW 2nd Ave, Faribault, MN 55021


(507) 332-2121

Hours: Mon – Fri 10:00am to 5:00pm

A is for Abe Merill with his Airplane

A if for Abe Merril and his Airplane

Hello RCHS Community! While we might all be staying home and hunkering down, there is no reason we can’t have a little fun while we do it. We are joining several historical societies across the state to participate in the #MNMuseumAlphabet.

Everyday for the next 26 days will be posting something from the museum relating to a topic starting with each letter of the alphabet. Now, not to be out done, we at RCHS have also challenged ourselves to see how many topics starting with the same letter we can pack into each post.

Starting with A, we have Abe Merill with his Airplane. That is 2 A Topics! We hope this can help brighten your days, and give you a chance to see Rice County history from afar!

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