Whipple Sermons
Coming Soon
German Union Cemetery:
A Three-Generation Genealogy
National Register
View or search the Rice County National Register of Historical Places
Doing research at the Rice County Historical Society
MON - FRI: 10AM - 5PM
Additional Summer Hours:
SAT: 10AM - 2PM
(Memorial Day to Labor Day)
Othertimes available by appointment.

Lecture Series Videos

March 31, 2022: “Early African Americans in Rice County” with Mica Anders (Thank you to Sam Temple and Northfield Public Broadcasting for filming this program)

September 22, 2022: “The Dakota 38 and the American Dream” with Todd Finney (Thank you to Sam Temple and Northfield Public Broadcasting for filming this program)

April 20, 2023: “Finding Clara” with Jerri Surad-Fuller (Thank you to Julie Fox and MVEC for Sponsoring this filming)

May 4, 2023: “After the 1862 War: Life for Minnesota’s Dakota” with Corrine Marz (Thank you to Julie Fox and MVEC for Sponsoring this filming)

May 16, 2023: “A Short Japanese Cadet: Kiyoshi Kitigawa and Interwar Shattuck” with Dr. Patti Kameya (Thank you to Julie Fox and MVEC for Sponsoring this filming)

November 16, 2023: “9,000 Years of Irish History, Abridged” with Tim Madigan (Thank you to Julie Fox and MVEC for Sponsoring this filming)